This Week at Ramsey
Farms ~ August 11-17, 2014
The first full week of school for the kids and we missed the
bus Monday! But they didn’t get too many miles away before pulling down a long
dirt road and we were able to catch the bus and the kids hopped aboard!
Farmhand Chris started our small autumn garden. On Tuesday
we planted roma bush beans, Sumter cucumbers, and dill. It only took four days
for two cukes to sprout! Then a bean plant and before the end of the next day,
another cucumber plant poked it’s leaves above soil!! He said he loves digging
and tilling this sandy loam by hand – it’s so easy compared to the red clay of
NC. This is mostly a gray sand with very little vegetation already growing in
it (like weeds and grass).
It’s been dry and hot this week with no rain and full sun
pushes the thermometer way past 100 degrees. It makes the pool even more
tantalizing, but the dry air seems to be impacting the kids’ allergies or
causing sinus issues. I’m trying to find ways to ease their symptoms and get
them through this using natural products like vinegar, ginger, salt water, pure
honey, and other herbs.
I was able to visit my wonderfully kind neighbors and take them some
roses from my front yard along with a bread recipe Ms. Sue had requested. We
enjoyed a good long hour or hour & a half chat! They sent me home with a
cucumber, tomatoes, fresh basil, 4 pumpkin –pecan muffins, and a recipe for
tomato pie! J
These are wonderful women next door and I’m so happy to have them as my
neighbors. They are strong and independent and hardworking as well as
experienced , wise, and been around here long enough to know the lay of the
I made up batches of deodorant and hand soap; almond bread,
oatmeal bread, and basil bread, and lots of home-cooked meals. I have yet to
find someone from whom to buy eggs and fresh produce and I am anxious to get
our own!
It dawned on me the other day, I left my aloe root stem pot
on the back porch at the NC house. L
Those old, discarded roots had already sprouted four babies and they got left
behind along with the potted chocolate mint, spearmint, and stevia plants I had
intended to bring with us. The moving day was so crazy busy and the space on
the truck was super limited, but I’m near heartbroken that those are gone. Just
have to start a band new, bigger herb garden and take care of all the aloe
plants I did bring with me.
Funny the things we miss!
I miss those plants and the vegetables we left growing in the garden (I
hope my neighbors picked it), but I miss my friends too. Especially Katie who
would drop by usually once or twice a week for a quick afternoon visit with
wine or candy or Diet Coke to laugh and catch up on the zaniness of our lives.
And Stephanie – I have our bocce ball game ready to go in the front yard here!
Just bring some beer and funny stories and come visit!
~ Friends come & go out of lives but we keep a cherished piece of them in our hearts wherever life may take us ~