Sunday, April 20, 2014

This Week at Ramsey Farms 4.20.14

  • Planted beefsteak and roma tomato seeds, basil seedlings, and geranium plants (4) in Row 1
  • Planted hot and bell pepper, okra, cinnamon basil seeds and geranium plants (2) in Row 2. Basil makes the tomatoes, peppers, and okra taste better and the geraniums are supposed to keep the white moths away from the basil.
  • Remember you can check out all the 2014 Garden Pics album by clicking this link.
  • Completed all the aloe surgeries. All the plants and new babies are in pots and I have a few stem pieces remaining to plant. Click HERE to see all the pics of this little procedure.
  • Visited the feed n' seed for some more fresh, local eggs and even took a new bread order while I was there!
  • Covered the "back 40" garden row in plastic to keep it dry through the next day or two of April showers so we can resume tilling and planting this coming weekend.
  • Baked one of the prettiest loaves of bread today, though I struggled with the dough for what felt like eternity and assumed it would turn out hard and dense. 
  • Made my best-ever meatloaf today with a new way to keep all the nasty soggy grease off the loaf! It worked perfectly. Slice a few thick pieces of day-old bread to line the bottom of your meatloaf pan, add your meatloaf, bake. The bread will soak up most of the grease while elevating the meat loaf out of the gooey mess during cooking. When you serve the meatloaf, toss out the grease-saturated bread, put the meatloaf on a clean plate and voila! Beautiful with no soggy unsightly greasy mess!
  • Served the meatloaf with homemade mashed potatoes, delicious farm bread, and steamed cabbage from the garden! Sooooo good!
Tuesday & Wednesday
  • Prepared for a couple of 32/34 degree overnight temperature dips by covering the new herb seedlings with plastic two liter bottle cloches, plastic and terracotta pots over the geraniums, and straw over the potato sprouts. Brought all the aloes, cacti, and most potted plants back inside and closed up the cold frame for the first time in at least two weeks or so.
  • The Ramsey Farms Bakery took several orders this week! I love sharing my "creations" with others and love the idea that one can actually make money selling something made by our own hands.
  • Baked a beautiful braided wheat bread for an Easter gift for wonderful woman who has become like a third grandmother to my four-year-old son. 
  • Finally got to uncover the nasturtium seedlings in the kids' raised bed! The temps have been so cold this week they needed a few extra days under the plastic cloche.
  • Hopefully uncovering my herbs, flowers, and the cold frame this morning will be the last time this spring I have to worry about frost and freezing temps! Until November at any rate...
  • Baked dinner rolls and old-fashioned molasses bread in the bakery yesterday.
Friday & Saturday
  • Friday was a busy farm work day and we got everything planted before the rain started to fall! What all did we get in? Corn, bush beans, great northern beans, cucumbers, sunflowers, yellow squash, zucchini, marigolds, and borage. The only area not planted is row 4 - that's the winter squash and cantaloupe that we won't plant until May 1.
  • I gave various neighbors molasses breads, organic lettuces, and braided bread loaves.
  • It rained all day Saturday so we took a little trip to a small town winery, visited some antique stores, ate lunch, napped, read books, built forts out of sofa cushions, and all in all had a lovely day. 
Be sure to check up the updated Cold Frame photo album here, the salad fixin's in it are growing so fast! Organic lettuce mesclun blend now available here at Ramsey Farms - c'mon by and see us! :)
Here's my final thought to you this week. I read Ms. L'Engle's Circle of Quiet this week and found it to be quiet thought provoking on ontology and life and the world around us. I highly suggest it as a read when you're in the mood for astute observations and theories that I found to be on point even some forty years later. At any rate, here is the quote for you to ponder on this week. Tell me what it means to you:
"If we are given minds we are required to use them, but not limit ourselves by them." ~ Madeleine L'Engle in Circle of Quiet"

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