Welcome home to our newest babies! These Golden Stars hatched on March 22. We got them at three-weeks old (nice, they didn't need much heat lamp this time of year)! Meet Sophia, Dorothy, Blanch, and Rose! 💖
We did have to remove Sophia from the group as she was more than a little mean & aggressively pecking and feather pulling on the other girls. We doctored up the scabs, boo-boos, and even a bloody tail with blue antibacterial / antibiotic ointment on the three sweet girls.
The babies have moved into the small Starter Coop in the backyard and this weekend we will move the little coop next to the big coop so all the birds can begin getting to know another. (Sophia may be free-ranging if she doesn't get her act together!)
They are 23 days old in the pictures shown here and as of today, are five-weeks old!
Many years ago, I looked around & realized my priorities had changed. The life I thought I had wanted to build wasn’t the life I longed for at the core of my being. I decided that the world of corporate life & rush hour traffic just were not for me. Our mission is to create a simpler life, reduce our material possessions, increase our self-sustainability & care for our environment. Our focus is our family and finding the joy in the simple things.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Ramsey Farms Ranch Dressing
Since Sonja asked for it, here is my Ramsey Farms Ranch Dressing recipe! Like all my recipes, it's really very easy to make! (I don't have time for fancy, hard-to-get ingredients or time consuming processes!) It'll taste even better if you grow your own dill and herbs! ❤💗 Farmer Chris won't touch bottled ranch dressing from the store anymore and there have been threats of eating it from the jar with a spoon! It's great on salads, for fresh veggies, even pizza crust or whatever you can put it on to eat it! It's that good! 😋
Makes about one pint - mix it all up in a pint size mason jar. We save the plastic mayo lids to wash and use to close up the jars. Will keep in the fridge until the expiration date of your sour cream. This is a great base recipe, you can add your own ingredients, spices, herbs to get the flavor you like best. Be cautious about how much garlic you use, otherwise you'll be up all night with heartburn! You can find my original post of this recipe here. Thanks to The Pioneer Woman for the foundation for this recipe!
Ramsey Farms Ranch Dressing
- 1 cup (real) mayonnaise
- 1/2 cup sour cream* (see below for how to make your own quick sour cream!)
- 1 to 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 tsp+ sugar
- salt to taste
- dill (fresh or dry), to taste (I use about 1 tsp fresh or 2 tsp dry)
- a splash of buttermilk* (or lemon juice or vinegar) (I use about 2 tsp of the sour cream liquid mentioned in the sour cream recipe below)
- other herbs I use interchangeably: parsley, thyme, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, chives
- Optional: paprika and or hot pepper flakes and or cayenne pepper and or hot sauce
- Mince your garlic and chop the herbs very finely.
- Mix the garlic, sugar, salt, herbs into the mayonnaise. Stir well.
- Taste frequently and adjust seasonings as desired.
- Add the sour cream; mix very well.
- Chill for at least 30 minutes or up to a few hours for best results.
- Thin with buttermilk (or vinegar) or milk if needed.
- Eat and enjoy!!
Make Your Own Sour Cream
This makes a thinner cream than the weird gelatinous stuff in a plastic carton from the store, but it gives a much more authentic flavor to your dressing! We very rarely buy the sour cream in the store anymore since this is just so easy to whip up in a minute and feels healthier to me without the additives.
- In a glass mason jar, add one cup milk. (Note the milk's expiration date, this is when your ranch dressing expires too.)
- Add 1/4 cup white vinegar.
- Place in coolest part of the fridge for 20+ minutes.
- This makes approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup of sour cream.
- Scoop the cream of the top to add to your dressing!
- The liquid that is left in the jar can be used as buttermilk!
You can check out all the recipes on my blog here!
"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." ~Henry Miller
Sunday, March 19, 2017
The Pre-Spring Herb Garden
The bare herb garden ready for spring and new seeds. You can see the lemon balm, cilantro, some dill, the thyme and the tea tree (in the middle).
The biggest ant hill you've ever seen moved in right smack dab in the middle of the chocolate mint plant! What you see there is grits - yes, dry grits - coating the entire mound. Within just a few days, the ants were gone!
The view from the other side. Thyme, cilantro, dill, the tea plant in front of the lemon balm then at the far end the chocolate mint topped with grits.
Spring officially starts tomorrow morning at 5:28! We will celebrate!
The biggest ant hill you've ever seen moved in right smack dab in the middle of the chocolate mint plant! What you see there is grits - yes, dry grits - coating the entire mound. Within just a few days, the ants were gone!
The view from the other side. Thyme, cilantro, dill, the tea plant in front of the lemon balm then at the far end the chocolate mint topped with grits.
Spring officially starts tomorrow morning at 5:28! We will celebrate!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Just $100
“It’s just $100”'
A friend of mine shared with me that they spent well over $100 on
taking all the kids to see a major new film at the movie theater a few weeks
$100?! I wish you could see the look on my face?!
They enjoy going to movies and work hard for their money and
it is certainly their business and their prerogative with what they with their
money, I would use that in many different ways simple because going to the
movies is not something I really enjoy doing.
Let’s just for pretend sakes, say we put $100 in an interest
bearing savings account at my local credit union (it pays 0.75% APY) and just
for fun we add another $100 to the account every year. It would take nine years
but eventually you’d have over $1,000! For me, that seems way more fun than lugging a bunch of little children to sit through a long movie in a theater!
Okay now take your same $100 and put it in that same savings
account and let’s say instead of going out to eat or getting my nails done or
whatever I can sacrifice, I put an extra $100 a month in that same account!
It’d take ten years, but you’d have more than $12,500 in that account!
Put that $100 in an investment with a 7% rate of return,
contribute $100 a month for ten years and you’ll wind up with more than $17,
Live and enjoy life, but be sure you’re preparing for the
future. It’ll be here quicker than you realize. It may be just $100, but
through diligence and discipline you can turn that $100 into a great deal more
while teaching your children the importance of steady plodding for investing in
their futures.
"Steady plodding brings prosperity" Proverbs 21:5 (TLB)
Friday, March 3, 2017
All of The Best in One Place!
You may have just read our Top Blog Posts of 2016 so if you want a quick glimpse at all the annual favorites, here are the links to the four Top Blog Posts of the Year articles!
Don't forget to visit the Facebook page for tons of pictures, check out our Recipes page for all the recipes I've posted on the blog, and be sure to see the DIY Bath & Body Products page for articles and how-to's for making your own healthy, all natural products.
Thanks! Be sure you get outside and take note of the changes around you in nature! Spring's coming!! Just 19 more days! :)
Monday, February 27, 2017
The Best Blog Posts of 2016
The Highest Rated Articles for 2016
I can't believe it's nearly March! Again! Time sure does seem to fly these days. Now is as good a time as any to look back at 2016 to reflect on what was in order to see just where it is we're going. Last year was our 2nd full year here in our little farm in South Georgia and the year of the chicken! Farmer Chris built that incredible chicken coop for our flock of six girls - Big Bird, Laverne, Shirley, Loner, Pretty, and Baby Bird. All the ladies started laying in late August / early September! We even experienced a mini molt with a few of them. I haven't bought eggs since August and that is awesome!It gets more and more challenging to come up with content for the blog and have functional internet to post it! As a family without an iPhone by choice, we don't walk around with a camera in our hands to document every detail of our lives as it appears many people do (just scroll through your Facebook feed). We bake breads, cook meals from scratch, feed chickens, collect eggs, craft handmade items, manufacture soaps and shampoos, plow fields or plant nearly every day of the year. I'd love to hear from my readers - each post has a comment box at the bottom of the page - please feel free to leave comments, ask questions, let me know what you'd like to see or learn about!
Our little blog has had more than 5,000 since it's launch in late 2013!! Nearly 2,000 visitors stopped by to visit this website in 2016 alone! Wow! Thanks for the visits! Most of our readers are in the US, but also people in Russia, France, Portugal, and Germany have read our posts. I'd love to hear from more of you about what information you'd like to see more of on The Simple Life. If you see a blog post you just love, feel free to share it with your friends - don't keep it a secret! ☺
Here are the Top 5 blog posts from The Simple Life in 2016!
Ranked by Google based on the # of visitors. Be sure to check out each article & share your faves!
#5...Mmmmm! In Georgia, pecans are king so if ya got 'em, eat 'em! This post with photos and the recipe for my Georgia Butter Pecan Cookies got a lot of attention. Make these and you will too!
#4...The first peak of the 2016 garden was Garlic stems popping up! We learned a lot of growing garlic last year and in fact, planted the 2017 crop in late October of 2016 for a May - July 2017 harvest. The current garlic has been up and green stemmed for many months by now!
#3...Canning! The first day of summer included a quick update about the chicken coop, harvesting potatoes and other delicious produce from the garden, and my canning work and plans. This year we sure hope to do even more canning! And we still have beautiful preserved veggies in jars to eat - the pantry is full but the cache is dwindling.
#2...Our second most viewed article from 2016 is one of my personal favorites! Childhood Creeks captured images of our son (photo cred to my sweet friend & pro photographer, Dallas of Freckles Photography). A great memoir of those carefree summer days of childhood playing outside - a good read if I do say so myself!
And the top #1, most read post out of all the articles posted in 2016...

The Top Three Blog Articles of All Time!
Because The Simple Life blog has been live on the internet for more than three years now, I like to take a look and see the top articles of all time! Here ya go:
#3...Cold Frame, published over time during the first months of 2014, this article won top post awards in 2014 and 2015. It's a pictorial review of Farmer Chris's building, installing, planting, and growing in a cold frame at the NC house. It is such a great project to help extend your growing season if you live somewhere with colder temperatures! Check it out and if you have a cold frame or similar project, I'd love to see it! Share in the comments at the bottom of this article.
#2...Childhood Creeks was one of our 2016 top five posts. Includes some beautiful photos from Dallas at Freckles Photography and a reminder of how our kids need to put down the digital devices and go outside to play. You only get this one chance to be a kid!
And the #1 all time most read blog post from The Simple Life is...
A Slow Paced Life, published here in 2016, beat out previous year's top posts. It's one of my all time favorites as well. A heartfelt, personal article lauding the slower paced country life. No matter where you live you can find a way to slow it down, stop rushing, and find a more satisfying way of life.
Please be sure to check out all this year's winners by clicking the link provided in the article (above). If you enjoy our blog, be sure to follow us so you don't miss anything and also use the comment boxes following every blog post to let us know what you like, what you want to see more of, and if you have questions, suggestions, comments, whatever - we'd just love to hear from you.
Please be sure to check out all this year's winners by clicking the link provided in the article (above). If you enjoy our blog, be sure to follow us so you don't miss anything and also use the comment boxes following every blog post to let us know what you like, what you want to see more of, and if you have questions, suggestions, comments, whatever - we'd just love to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by! ~Ramsey
Friday, February 24, 2017
Hang On...Spring's on the Way!
It's been warming up for a few weeks. I can hear birds singing before the sun rises. Farmers have tilled their land. Many seeds have been planted. A great deal of seedlings have emerged from the soil. Trees are budding! The Spring Equinox begins about 6:48 am on March 20 this year in the Northern Hemisphere. Just 24 more days until the official first day of Spring! REJOICE!
Check out our Facebook page for a cute video showing the newly emerged seedlings and plants and more!
Farmer Chris has planted a good deal of the early crops. So far we can see the potatoes, snow peas, lettuce, carrots, spinach, radishes, green onions, and the stems of our "We Ain't In Vidalia" Ramsey Farms sweet yellow onions have all made their way from the soil to push through and face the sun!
Potato Seedlings 2/13/17 |
Remember to put a smile on your face and love everyone you meet today! Your's may be the only kindness they receive or see all day. 💗💗
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
We All Need a Good Listener!
I am working on a new post as well as our Top 2016 blog wrap up! It has been so hectic around here with work, weather, kids' sports and school, and Farmer Chris is up in the far fields right this very minute planting potatoes!!!
But in the meanwhile, thought my loyal readers, friends, and blog subscribers would enjoy this laugh! I do talk to my chickens and dogs, don't you chat with your pets?! Every living being just wants to connect with another. 😁
But in the meanwhile, thought my loyal readers, friends, and blog subscribers would enjoy this laugh! I do talk to my chickens and dogs, don't you chat with your pets?! Every living being just wants to connect with another. 😁
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Wow! Already 2017 is here! Where has the time gone?!? We have been so busy around here with Christmas and the kids being out of school and the new year and this incredible crazy weather. It was winter for about three days - got down in the 20s actually! Then it went back to summer and has been in the mid-80s most days for the past couple weeks.
I've got my Best of 2016 blog stats prepped and ready to go, just haven't been able to make time to write it up! My company has been booming with business of late - which is great, but doesn't give me much time for all the other things I enjoy. So as soon as I get time for a breath, I'll be back writing up a storm here on the blog and showing you all the awesome things we've got going on here. It is tator planting time, you know!
Until then I just wanted to share this photo of one of our meyer lemons. We have harvested five that were on the little sapling and there is one more still ripening. I protected the tree and the one lemon from any frost by covering the cage around the tree with a sheet on those three nights of temps in the low 30's / upper 20's. Although a mature meyer lemon tree can withstand temperatures of 22 degrees Fahrenheit.
Isn't it a beauty?! Oh my goodness and they smell and TASTE so delicious!
Enjoy your new year and check back soon for new posts! ~Ramsey
I've got my Best of 2016 blog stats prepped and ready to go, just haven't been able to make time to write it up! My company has been booming with business of late - which is great, but doesn't give me much time for all the other things I enjoy. So as soon as I get time for a breath, I'll be back writing up a storm here on the blog and showing you all the awesome things we've got going on here. It is tator planting time, you know!
Isn't it a beauty?! Oh my goodness and they smell and TASTE so delicious!
Enjoy your new year and check back soon for new posts! ~Ramsey
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