Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DIY All Natural Deodorant / Under Arm Conditioner

I call this "under-arm-conditioner" because it is basically a really fantastic moisturizer/skin conditioning lotion that also happens to help you not stink! :) Win-Win! While not all things will work for all people, I personally love this stuff and it works for me! It passed my 2-mile walk in the 90 degree southern summer heat test and the full 24-hour test as well and the skin of my under arm area has never looked or felt so soft and smooth.

It's only been in the past nine or ten months that I truly paid attention to the chemicals used in personal care products like shampoo, body wash, and even deodorants. What's in your deodorant? Do you know? Check out this link. This will take you to the list of ingredients in the last deodorant I recall purchasing but you can look up your own products including makeup, hair care, and more. It's pretty astounding and hopefully will get you to thinking about what it is we are putting onto our skin, hair, and children's bodies.

As human beings, we are actually supposed to sweat! ;) It's our body's way of ridding itself of toxins and keeping your body temperature cool. We just don't have to stink in order to sweat, perspire, or glisten.

There are just a few simple ingredients in this all-natural deodorant.

  • Coconut Oil ~ The lauric acid in coconut oil kills odor-causing bacteria. It is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-yeast. It has been reported to eliminate or alleviate fungal infections, acne, eczema, keratosis, psoriasis, & rosacea. Contains large amounts of vitamin E for skin conditioning and protection. Some people simply use coconut oil as a deodorant on its on.
  • Shea Butter ~ Full of vitamins A, D, & E, a superb moisturizer with exceptional healing properties for skin, shea butter is well known to help improve and treat blemishes, wrinkles, eczema, dermatitis, insect bites, sunburn, frostbite, and skin allergies.
  • Baking Soda ~  Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes odors & absorbs moisture, helps regulate pH balance. A light dusting of baking soda is all some people use for deodorant (or a touch up during a hot day perhaps?).
  • Essential Oils ~ Add nice scent and add additional anti-bacterial impact.

DIY Instructions

3 T coconut oil
2 T Shea butter
4 T baking soda
15 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional) ~ I use sweet orange because I like it and plan to add lemongrass or something tropical next time

In a glass bowl or jar, melt coconut oil and shea butter in 10 second increments in your microwave until fully melted. *Be careful, glass and oil will be HOT!* Mix well. Add baking soda and essential oils. Pour into your container and allow to cool. 

I keep mine in a glass jar with a lid. Over the summer, I would pop it into the fridge every few days as coconut oil liquefies at 76 degrees and it was fine. I use a small wooden stick or my fingers to scoop out the mixture (it's a little thicker than lotion) then smooth it onto my underarms with my fingers. It's just like applying cream or lotion to your skin. I allow it to dry/absorb while I finish getting ready then put on my shirt. I have never had a problem with fabric staining or anything.

I love this stuff and have been very happily surprised that it not only works - I smell good and my underarm skin is amazing! LOL Who says that?! It works so well I originally named it, "Holy Sh*t This Stuff is Good Deodorant!" So I hope you'll take the time to learn about what is in your deodorant and maybe try some of this or another alternative. Let me know your feedback - use the "post a comment" option below!

Please visit the following links for more info: http://coconutoil.com/and http://www.sheainstitute.com/

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