Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Farm Heart 2014

I try to not become frustrated. We keep ourselves busy with our chores in the garden and with our new first livestock. Worms. LOL But in my heart and in my mind, I'm almost always visualizing The Big Farm. The "real" farm with acres to view, explore, build, and cultivate. Not sure where in the world The Big Farm is located just yet, but have the plan & dedication to follow the plan to achieve this goal in it's due time. Stuck here within the city limits of a suburban city on the outskirts of the largest city in the state, we are restricted as to what we can do. Restricted by space, time, neighbors, and rules.

The rule I like least? Can't have chickens within the city on less than one acre. (You can't see my sad face right now, but just know...it's there.) Chris, my head farm hand / farm manager, and I have been wanting, dreaming, and reading everything about raising chickens for the past eight or nine years. He probably already has his chicken coop plans designed. A mischievous smile comes to my face when I imagine my neighbors' faces when they hear or see chickens in my yard! It really makes me laugh out loud. However, lucky for them I am much a rule-follower and won't try to have my own chickens until we are properly situated on The Big Farm.

So we have plants! And now worms! I already know my next step will have to be angora rabbits. We can have bunnies here inside the city limits and these adorable fuzzies provide a huge amount of angora wool without giving their life. Plus they multiple like, well...like rabbits! So you can produce a beautiful, clean, expensive wool (to buy enough finished yard to knit one pair of socks will cost you about $50) and baby bunnies on the urban backyard farm.

But the plan is in effect. The Big Farm will be a reality within the next three years. I won't even think about starting with rabbits if 2014 is THE year.  It's very exciting, this feeling of standing on the precipice while every cell of your being vibrates in explosive anticipation of leaping out into the great abyss. Where will this dream, this goal, this plan, this journey of life take us next? I'm looking forward to finding out!!

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